AfterNow: When We Cannot See the Future, Where Do We Begin
AfterNow: When We Cannot See the Future, Where Do We Begin is the first book offered by Transform Media. Written by NewStories Founder Bob Stilger, AfterNow is an invitation to create the lives and communities we want - NOW.
The book begins with Bob’s personal experiences working alongside people and communities in Japan for six years following the devastating March 11, 2011 Triple Disasters—earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear explosions—that left half a million people displaced from their homes, jobs, or both.
Bob’s narrative expands to include stories of how ordinary people in Japan—and around the world—move forward after their old reality disappears. It shares the models, tools, and perspectives Bob developed over those six years to help communities create new possibilities from a future that once seemed lost.
Through the NewStories lens, Bob’s work introduces three key concepts: Re-Storying, Re-Patterning, and Re-Structuring.
Re-Storying invites people to articulate new possibilities based on their understanding of the present.
Re-Patterning aligns those possibilities with core values, reorganizing around what matters most.
Re-Structuring provides tools to navigate change, ensuring the new story becomes a lived reality that reshapes both personal and communal systems.
At Transform Media, we’re excited to offer learning opportunities that extend beyond the book. Bob is developing an interactive "From Disaster to Regeneration" Learning Community, based on the themes of AfterNow and his commitment to teaching the art of Re-Storying. This learning community will guide participants through the process of shifting from a replacement paradigm to a regenerative one, especially in the context of catastrophic disasters.
Through this platform, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in self-paced learning modules, video episodes featuring key content from the book, interactive dialogues, and regular video seminars with Bob and guest speakers. These experiences will focus on applying the Re-Storying process not only to personal growth but also to regenerating systems and communities—ultimately reshaping the structures that support long-term transformation.